Well, a big hole in the ground with water in it. Geddit?
OK, I'm STILL going! I didn't think I'd make it this far! I'm seeing results too. My shoulders and arms seem bigger along with my pecs.
I'm still not 100% happy with my workout though. I think I can make the most of my gym time by rearranging my sessions and setting myself a set routine. At the moment it's all a bit higgledy piggledy. Some days I do this, and some days I do that. I don't do any work on my abs at all, I keep meaning to do something with that.
I had a spare half hour at work and I started to plan my workouts. I've reached a good system that should help structure my exercise and provide me with a nice set workout.
Other things I've done since my last post include getting hold of some protein milkshakes (vanilla flavour, nice!), and football once a week with some blokes. Football still gives me that tight feeling in the chest so I'm still not THAT fit, but I'm improving.
My weight has gone up too! I'm very pleased with this. I'm currently a healthy 12 stone dead (Healthy? Dead?). I feel glad I've reached this little milestone and I'm looking forward to the next (mile)stone.
My appetite is back too. I've found myself scoffing all sorts from egg sarnies to fruit and veg with the odd cake in between. I feel so much better for having a halfway decent diet back now.
My birthday is coming up soon, and I don't know what to do with it. My mum has offered to take me to Thorpe Park which is nice. I've not been since I was 13 (so that'll be 10 years then) so I'm not sure if it'll be any good, the only theme park people ever talk about is Alton Towers.
Well, well, two holes in the ground with water in. Ha! I'm on fire! This'll do for my newest post, I think. I'll post again sooner, or at least I'll try to.
Ta-ta for now ;-)
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Thinking of you James, at this sad time xx
Long time no post, so not sure if you even visit here. But if you do, just wanted to say I'm thinking of you a lot just now xx
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